Carina Klingsell
I grew up in Sweden practicing circus alongside dance and rhythmic gymnastics. When I discovered the Chinese Pole, a discipline that gave me both a thrill and a sense of control at the start, it was important to use my femininity as an advantage. Alongside practicing the Chinese pole I devote my time towards floor acrobatics. I find the mix between floor acrobatics and Chinese pole an interesting combo that challenges me in both of my disciplines. The floor acrobatics becomes the bridge between the floor and the pole and it is in this bridge I create most of my movements. Apart from Circus I like to read, craft and tries to keep myself busy. I like to organize events and I am dreaming of having my own company and circus festival in the future. I want to challenge the gender roles on stage and wishes to work with this both practically and theoretically to find equality. But I would rather talk about you.