Adrian Schvarzstein is a mix of Spanish, Argentinian, Italian and... Whatever!. Clown, actor, circus and theatre director, Adrian Schvarzstein is a very energetic entertainer-showman!. From 1989 in the show business , after studing Commedia Dell'Arte in Italy but theatrically formed all over Europe where he created and collaborated with many street theatre groups, circus, opera, Tv programs, etc. After many years with the renomate Circus Ronaldo from Belgium he created in 2004 the 'Circus Klezmer' that is still on tour !His first solo show is The GREENMAN , then follow THE BED and DANS , shows where the public is the main character .The creation of street theatre show 'Kamchatka' (miramiro prize in 2008) and the direction of the Opera 'La Barca' in Holland are few of his last successfull projects.